What Is A Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck also referred to as ‘abdominoplasty’ is a surgical procedure that helps remove the excess skin and fat from the tummy. Generally, Dr. Hiren Bhatt (certified Plastic Surgeon) explains that this procedure is an excellent option to get a shapely abdomen after diet and exercise have failed to give optimal results. A rotund and a droopy belly generally lowers the confidence of the person and makes them look old and aged. This can be countered with the help of a tummy tuck surgery.
What Are The Reasons For Stubborn Belly Fat?
Dr. Hiren Bhatt, NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara’s expert Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon explains that there are various reasons for having a shapeless abdomen. Some of them involve:
Pregnancy: Pregnancy brings about tremendous and drastic changes in a woman’s body. The growth of the baby inside the womb often stretches the skin and muscles of the abdomen loosen their previous tightness. After delivery, it gets difficult for women to get back in the pre-pregnancy shape. A tummy tuck can prove to be a good solution in such cases.
Ageing: Ageing is one of the main reasons that the skin of the abdomen often loses its elasticity and starts looking saggy and droopy. Also, the presence of excess fat can add to this and hamper the overall appearance of the person. This issue can make the person look even more aged and heavy.
Significant changes in weight: A significant change in the weight of a person also results in a drooping and hanging skin around the abdomen. Even when one performs vigorous exercise, this skin and extra fat refuse to budge. This hampers the actual results of the weight loss as the hanging skin does not look appealing and attractive. This might affect the self-confidence of the person.
A tummy tuck is an excellent way to get rid of the excess fat and skin on the tummy which has accumulated due to the above and various other reasons. Dr. Hiren Bhatt, Vadodara’s trusted Plastic Surgeon makes sure to understand the reason for the issue first and then drawing out a treatment plan according to the individual needs of the patient.
What To Expect At The Consultation With Dr. Hiren Bhatt?
NVYA Aesthetics’s expert Dr. Hiren Bhatt believes that consultation is of utmost importance before diving into any procedure. During a consultation with Dr. Hiren Bhatt, our expert Plastic And Reconstructive Surgeon, he makes sure that he understands the needs and requirements of the patients. He guides them through the entire procedure and explains everything in detail. This helps the patients in making an informed decision regarding the procedure.
He also urges his patients to ask as many questions as they want to achieve complete clarity. NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara strongly believes in transparency and hence we explain everything related to the procedure including the achievable result.
A consultation can be a vital moment before the surgery as the patient can analyze his or her comfort level with the doctor and understand all the aspects which entail the procedure.
What Are The Different Types Of Tummy Tuck?
Generally, this surgery is customizable according to a patient’s needs. These are the most common types of procedures that are performed at the clinic
Full tummy tuck: This involves incisions from hip bone to hip bone and near the belly button. This addresses the fat that is accumulated in lower as well as upper abdomen. It also alters the location of the belly button according to the need
Mini tummy tuck: This involves working on smaller problem areas. Here, the incisions are smaller and it does not alter the location of the belly button.
Circumferential tummy tuck: Also called as 360 lift, this targets the fats that are accumulated at the front as well as the back of the midsection.
Extended tummy tuck: This process is done when a patient has lost a significant amount of weight. In this case, the flanks along with the upper and lower abdomen are addressed.
Often, liposuction is performed along with a tummy tuck surgery in order to have better results. This is referred to as lipoabdominoplasty.
Dr. Hiren Bhatt, Board-certified Plastic Surgeon at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara analyses each and every aspect and then decides the type of surgery to be performed depending upon the needs and requirements of the patient.
Who Is An Ideal Candidate For A Tummy Tuck?
Dr. Hiren Bhatt, the accredited Plastic Surgeon has put forth some necessary conditions to identify whether you are an ideal candidate for the procedure:
- The candidate is healthy to undergo a surgical procedure.
- The candidate is a non-smoker or is ready to quit smoking for a specified time as advised by the doctor
- If you fit into the above criteria, you are an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck surgery.
It is important to note that tummy tuck surgery is not a substitute for weight loss. It is necessary to reach close enough to your ideal body weight at least 8 to 10 months before the surgery. Weight Loss after the surgery generally hampers the results of the process.
Women who plan pregnancy must plan a tummy tuck after that. Pregnancy after a tummy tuck will nullify the results.
If you fit into the above list, you are an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck.
What To Expect Before The Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Some regular blood and urine tests will be advised by Dr. Hiren Bhatt to keep a check on the vitals. This will ensure that there are no other persistent issues. Also, you will have to tell your entire medical history along with any allergies, medications, and supplements that you take, etc.
This will help in a smooth process during the surgery.
Also, a few standard photos will be taken in order to analyse the results after the procedure. This is a regular procedure followed for all patients at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara.
How Is Tummy Tuck Surgery Performed By Dr. Hiren Bhatt?
- The first step involves the administration of anaesthesia. General anaesthesia along with intravenous sedation is preferred. In the case of a mini-tummy tuck, local anaesthesia is administered.
- Depending upon the type of the procedure, incisions are made below the belly button, near the belly button, or in case of a mini tummy tuck, only in the lower abdomen by Dr. Hiren Bhatt an expert Plastic Surgeon.
- The excess fat and skin are removed through these incisions. The skin is loosened between the abdominal walls and ribcage, the muscles are inspected next and then aligned properly, pulled uptight, and stitched securely.
- Once this step is complete, the excess fat is removed via liposuction. The excessive skin is also removed.
- If required, the belly button is repositioned according to the new contour of the abdomen.
- After the process is done, the incisions are sealed with sutures, skin adhesives, tapes, or clips.
How Is The Recovery After The Process Of Tummy Tuck?
Drains or tubes might be fitted under the skin to drain out any excess fluid or blood. The doctor will further brief the patient regarding the care of the tubes until their removal.
After discharge, the patient is advised to avoid any physical activities for at least four to six weeks.
Support garments have to be worn mandatorily to maintain the shape of the abdomen.
Medications to combat the pain or soreness will have to be taken. Also, anti-coagulants might be administered to avoid the formations of blood-clots. These medications must be taken as prescribed.
The patient can resume light work after two to three weeks.
Timely follow-ups must be taken with Dr. Hiren Bhatt, an accredited Plastic Surgeon at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara in order to evaluate the healing procedure.
What Are The Risks Associated With The Tummy Tuck Process?
Although a tummy tuck is a safe process, sometimes complications and risks are unavoidable. These are a few risks associated with the tummy tuck process:
- Excessive bleeding (Hematoma)
- Fluid accumulation (Seroma)
- Swelling for a long time
- Numbness around the abdominal area which might be temporary or permanent
- Misaligned contour around the abdomen
- Chances of infection
Sometimes, there are chances of performing a second surgery in case of unsatisfactory results. However, these cases are very rare. Caution must be exercised in order to avoid these risks.